3 Best Preserved Flower Dome Ideas For A Ho Ho Ho Christmas

November 30, 2021

3 Best Preserved Flower Dome Ideas For A Ho Ho Ho Christmas

Deck the halls with boughs of Jolly and fa la la la la in the full festive spirit of Christmas. Tis’ the season for peppermint candy canes, hot cocoa, succulent turkey, fragrant fruitcake, jolly carols, and the highlight of it all, Christmas gifts. If you’re gunning for the best present that sleighs Christmas—pun intended—look no further!

What intricately captures the soul of the snowy holiday in everlasting memory, looks like it came straight out of Santa’s workshop and fits perfectly in one stocking? Preserved flowers in glass domes, checked all of the boxes, and so much more. Carrying magical vibes of whimsy and wonder, each glass dome of preserved flowers in Singapore has a different story waiting to be told.

Like the yellow sunflower that signifies friendship, or the red roses that represent romance on Valentine’s day, the flowers you pick to go in the glass dome says a lot as a gift to your friends, family, and loved ones. Be it a unique way to spread Christmas joy and the season’s greeting, to show your appreciation, or better yet, to send your love to that special someone, you can’t go wrong with flowers, and there’s no gift better than a flower glass dome.

Need some yuletide inspo that kindles happiness? Scroll for the best preserved flower dome ideas to end off the perfect year.


1. The Mystical Snow Globe

Complete with a smooth exterior that reflects light like an ice sculpture, neatly arranged preserved flowers in a snow globe is the very personification of Christmas. Like any snow globe, each floral component is intricately designed and placed in this glass dome, so it presents a new discovery every time a light shines through or when you look at it from a different angle. With a gift like this, you’ll successfully enchant your receiver with the mystique and magnificence of December 25.


2. The Innocent Christmas Angel

Naughty or nice? If your gift unwrapper has been good all year round, they definitely deserve an accolade befitting of their total achievements. Behold, the Christmas Angel. Symbolizing the ornamental angel at the top of every Christmas tree, just one look makes your heart jingle all the way. The Christmas Angel holds all the charms of the winter holidays, even if it’s always summer here in sunny Singapore. And it carries a beautiful preserved flower surprise that makes this glass dome the epitome of gifts reserved for the very best people in your life.


3. The Jolly Christmas Tree

There’s Rudolph, snowman, stockings, chimneys, and Christmas cookies. But nothing says Merry Christmas better than a Christmas tree. The Christmas tree has been part of the celebration growing up from as young as you can remember. And no festive household is complete without it. So why not gift an everlasting miniature tree in a glass dome?

Decorate your tree with all the works. Include popular season favourites like holly, pine cones, and ornamental balls. Don’t forget to make it extra special with some Christmas-themed preserved flowers like red roses or wintery white cotton. End the year with this perfect present for your loved ones.


Send Flowers In A Dome For A Merry Christmas

Forget full-fledged wreaths and fresh plants that won’t last past this Christmas in Singapore. Instead, gift a meaningful keepsake like the preserved flower glass dome and capture this Christmas in a forever memory. Don’t be a scrooge this holiday and splurge a little for your loved ones. Our elves are ready for same-day Christmas delivery anywhere in Singapore, at your command.