5 Crazy Facts You Didn’t Know About Sunflowers In Singapore

August 31, 2021

5 Crazy Facts You Didn’t Know About Sunflowers In Singapore

What's yellow, bright, and lights up any room? It's used for graduation ceremonies, a thank-you token to mums on mother’s day, and the cherry on top to celebrate your friendship with your best friend. It instantly makes a statement, whether it comes as a simple stalk or as a bouquet. It's a local favourite for every occasion in Singapore: The Sunflower.

The Sunflower is an impressive flower because of its stature as a tall plant and because it produces stunning yellow flowers that look like they could swallow you whole—they can grow up to 30cm in diameter!

There's been worldwide chatter on how amazing Sunflowers are as a plant, so we've selected the top 5 Sunflower facts in Singapore, just for the local sunflower fanatics. Here we go!

1. Can The Sunflower Plant Grow In Singapore?

Since Sunflowers are native to the Americas, you must think that they only thrive in the colder climates of the globe, right?

Wrong. There have been many successful attempts from local green thumbs growing sunflowers from seedlings in Singapore. The trick to nurturing a healthy Sunflower plant in Singapore lies in plenty of sunlight. And since Singapore is a tropical country with plenty of sunshine all year round, Sunflowers can grow and thrive here, contrary to usual belief.

So make sure your Sunflower has proper drainage, sufficient water, and has 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight in a day, and you'll achieve the sunflower Eden of your dreams.

2. Singapore’s Native Sunflower: The Common Little Ironweed

There are many types of sunflower species, and not all of them are bright, yellow, and sunny. In fact, Singapore has our own native species of Sunflower that would surprise you. It's a common purple flower weed you find speckled in any grassy field or along pedestrian walks and roadside here.

Known as the Little Ironweed, this plant holds nostalgic childhood memories for all Singaporeans because, for one, it's everywhere, even in school fields, and two, its fruits have fluffy white hairs that float with the wind or a soft blow from the lips.

A lesser-known fact to many Singaporeans about the Little Ironweed is, like the common Sunflower we know, it too is edible. The Little Ironweed is a herbaceous plant that is said to help digestion, skin problems and blood conditions.

3. Changi Airport Has A Sunflower Garden

A must-see destination in the world-renowned Changi Airport, the Sunflower Garden boasts a magnificent collection of Sunflowers unlike anywhere else in Singapore. It's located on the roof of Terminal 2 and is a definite showstopper. Although it's closed until further notice while the ongoing renovations are in progress, it's highly recommended for a visit when it reopens again.

4. A Sponge From Sunflower Pollen

Saving the world with its pollen, Singapore researchers have found a way to use the Sunflower's pollen as a biodegradable sponge. Because pollen is usually considered as waste material, it's an eco-friendly and cheap alternative to cleaning up oil spills in the future.

5. Sunflowers Can Communicate With You

Did you know that because the Sunflower has a hairy stem, Singapore researchers could attach electrodes and detect electrical signals from the plant as a form of communication? This means if there is a potential danger, say, from a chemical leak, for example, the Sunflower is capable of sending distress signals.

At the same time, the Sunflower is named so because its head follows the sunlight throughout the day's course. You'll always know the direction of the sun just by looking at where the Sunflower is facing.

With the way it's always giving us signals, be it by electrodes or by the direction it faces, it seems Sunflowers are trying to tell us something. Perhaps one day, when science has advanced enough, we'll unlock more secrets of this mysterious plant!

Obsessed With Sunflowers Now? Buy a Bouquet In Singapore!

Itching to buy a Sunflower now? Share these sensational facts with a Sunflower Bouquet delivered to your loved ones, no matter where they are in Singapore. Order these flowers online today, and you’ll have strong, beautiful Sunflower blooms waiting at your doorstep.